2 hands holding a red ribbon


Your donations help us deliver on our promise to hundreds of HIV-positive clients and thousands impacted by our HIV prevention efforts. When you donate, you help keep fundraising costs low and ensure that more of your gift goes directly toward providing services to those in need. Donate today!

Get the services you need with Palmetto Community Care. We believe no one living with HIV or AIDS should go without medical care, everyday resources, and emotional support. Our Case Managers are here to connect you with the services you need.

We have been very fortunate to be among a fantastic community that is really focused on making a difference. We would not know what we would have done without you. Having a range of ways to give means, there is always an opportunity to help. We have several programs and ways to get involved in the fight to save lives.

We offer volunteer opportunities to individuals & groups! One way in which volunteers can help annually is through our fundraising events, including Charleston Beer Fest and Gay Bingo.