Talk to Teens about Sex to Stop Spread of HIV

According to the government’s Office of Adolescent Health, adolescents who have sex early are less likely to use protection, putting them at a greater risk of pregnancy and STDs. Consider these statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from a survey of high school students in 2013: 47% had ever had sexual intercourse. 34% had sexual intercourse… Continue reading Talk to Teens about Sex to Stop Spread of HIV

13 Myths About HIV Busted

Myths abound about HIV. We work to bust every myth that exists in our work to eliminate HIV. 1. MYTH: You can get HIV just by being around HIV-positive individuals in your daily life. REALITY: False. HIV is transmitted when infected material (blood, semen, vaginal fluid, breast milk) comes in direct contact with a mucous… Continue reading 13 Myths About HIV Busted

Could You Be At Risk for HIV?

Many people may not think they need an HIV test because they don’t believe they are at risk. They may think HIV affects only gay men or drug users, but the truth is anyone who is sexually active is at risk for HIV. HIV transmission occurs via bodily fluids, including blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, rectal… Continue reading Could You Be At Risk for HIV?